
MAILBAG - Jan. 23, 2001

The loss of the Ice Chalet is very sad, but I believe that a point has

been missed. It is not only that our children need and want to skate but

that they need to do it for free. When I was a kid, you could swim all

day at the “plunge” for 25 cents. Today it costs $2 for an hour or two.

There is nothing for our kids to do that does not cost money. Keep the

skate park free, and let’s think of some other things they can do to hang

out together where money is not an issue for the kids who don’t have it.

I am sorry that Lions Park did not work out because then they would also

be near the library.


Costa Mesa

Ice Chalet could become community game center

Byron de Arakal’s column about the Ice Chalet (“No reason Ice Chalet

closure should mean end to skating,” Jan. 17) goes too far and not far

enough. The city should certainly look into converting the Ice Chalet

facility into not only a skating facility but a community game center.

And that huge empty parking lot between the Ice Chalet and Mesa Verde

Drive would make a great place for the skateboard facility. That resolves

pretty much all of both of those issues and is a win-win situation for

all concerned.


Costa Mesa
