

--Compiled by June Casagrande


Councilwoman Norma Glover recently asked Assistant City Manager Dave

Kiff to dream, and dream he did. At her request, Kiff delivered a

far-reaching water-quality wish list at Tuesday’s City Council meeting.

The comprehensive report addressed the question: How could the city best

use an extra $5 million for water quality?

Kiff responded with an aggressive strategy that includes stepped-up

water testing and street sweeping, strategies for preventing sewage

leaks, more infrastructure and maintenance of things such as catch basins

in storm drains, a broad public education campaign and better enforcement

of laws.

The best news in the staff’s wish list is that parts can become

reality right away. Some of the recommendations, such as writing tougher

local ordinances, can be done for free.

WHAT IT MEANS: A duly impressed City Council has decided to look

for ways to implement many of these ideas, with the goal of maintaining

the highest quality standards for local waters. Glover suggested staff

come back with ways to fund $1.5 million in water-quality improvements

each year for the next three years.


The council approved a contract with GCI Construction for nearly $3.3

million in improvements at Balboa Village.

WHAT IT MEANS: With this funding, a three-phase project will be

launched. The first phase will bring a newly constructed storm drain and

water main at Balboa Boulevard and Washington Street. Landscaping along

Balboa Boulevard will be updated from Adams Street to Main Street. The

pier parking lot and Pier Plaza will also get fixed up. The work will

coincide with other improvements in the area, including the

reconstruction of Balboa Theater.

The city is still about $2.1 million short of the projected $7.5

million needed for the whole project. Council members and staff have been

looking for ways to make up the difference. But funding has already been

set aside for the contract approved Tuesday. It is paid for out of

various city funds, including the gas tax, parking fees and the general


VOTE: 6-0 (Councilman John Heffernan absent)


Visitors to city beaches who are tired of the facilities’ rundown and

unclean condition will likely be in for a pleasant surprise. The council

approved a $158,000 contract to replace some fixtures and facilities in

beach restrooms at 15th Street, the Newport Pier, Orange Street and 58th

Street. Mayor Gary Adams took it a step further, asking staff and council

members to prioritize keeping those bathrooms cleaner at all times.

VOTE: 6-0


* WHAT: Newport Beach City Council Meeting

* WHERE: Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd.

* WHEN: 7 p.m. Oct. 23
