
Kids talk back

o7 The Independent went to Hope View Elementary School in Huntington

Beach and asked fifth graders, “How do you think President Bush is

performing his job?”


“At first I didn’t think he was a great president, I would have voted

for Gore. But now he’s pulled the country together and helped get [New

York and Washington] back to normal, helping the families of the


Brittany Koenker, 10

“He made the right choice attacking after trying to negotiate with

[the Taliban]. Everything happened so suddenly. He had to do something


Jamie Kesselman, 10

“He’s doing a good job because he’s holding up with what’s going on

very well. It’s good he’s doing something about [the attacks].”

Nick Willis, 10

“I think it’s good he fought back against the terrorists. It’s good

that he attacked, but it’s also bad if innocent, honest people get hurt.

I think he’ll make a fine president for the next 10 years.”

Amish Kumar, 10

“He’s doing a good job because he hasn’t gotten an example from

previous presidents on how to deal with Afghanistan.”

Clarissa Magdaleno, 10
