
Feedback -- Readers unsure pastor’s impropriety was news

I was very upset and deeply disappointed in your need to defend your

reporting of the Rock Harbor minister, Keith Page, by revisiting and

re-injuring a man, Tim Timmons, who was raked through the coals once for

his transgression and did not deserve to be front page news again, years

after he has moved on and made peace with God and the community.

No one should have to pay for a mistake over and over again when a

reporter feels the need to assuage her guilty conscience by pulling up

old un-newsworthy dirty laundry (“Pastor impropriety rings some deja


There are many, many, well-known figures in the area who have had

“newsworthy” transgressions and your entire column was focused on one

individual who has moved far beyond his past, and now has a wonderful

small ministry doing worlds of good for our area. He paid his dues and

you do him a grave disservice by dragging up old mud.


Costa Mesa

Your article, “Fallen leaders not uncommon in faith community” (Oct.

4), was so well written, so well balanced and so accurate that I saved

it, intending to thank you right away, but time got away from me.

Thank you, now, for writing a good article on this. I sincerely

appreciate your careful handling of the story -- unlike what another

newspaper printed. Unfortunately, their story wasn’t even accurate.


Costa Mesa

I have been a longtime resident of Costa Mesa and have worked serving

“my” community for years. I enjoy reading the Daily Pilot every morning

because I have had people call and comment . . . “In the Daily Pilot

today, I read . . .,” so I must be prepared. But I was not prepared to

read what I read recently in the paper. The headline about Rock Harbor

Church (“Fallen leaders not uncommon in faith community,” Oct. 4).

I have been fellowshipping at Rock Harbor for almost a year and share

about it all the time. I was not able to attend church that weekend, but

I didn’t have to worry about it because all I had to do was read about it

in the newspaper.

Shame on you that a teenager was murdered around the same time and the

photo of the suspect was on page 4 and his picture was about

one-inch-by-one-inch. However, because a minister “sinned” and confessed

it, it makes the front page and his picture is about

three-inches-by-three-inches. I guess Dennis Rodman was out of town.

Please stick to the news, not gossip. Your story did not inform

people, as the news should do, but hurt many.


Costa Mesa
