
Cannery Lofts create blight at community’s expense...

Cannery Lofts create blight at community’s expense

Instead of extolling the virtues of the Cannery Lofts project

(“Branding a new can,” Monday), you should be talking about the

visual blight they will create by their sheer mass and height. There

are four of them erected now, with 18 more to go. So much to look

forward to.

I invite those of you who care about Newport Beach to come down

and have a look. My neighbors, who were afraid to get involved in

opposition to these monsters, are now wishing they had. Instead, they

let the developer run wild with the decision makers who had an

opportunity to maintain the charm of this neighborhood.

The decision makers, our Planning Commission and City Council, in

turn, gave the developer maximum profit at the expense of the


The only saving grace for me is that my building looks to a

different direction.


Cannery Village

Segerstroms should fund CenterLine undergrounding

The Segerstroms can make or break that CenterLine project (“City

will ask developers to fund rail study,” Wednesday). They’ve given

some indication that they are for the project, so now, if the city

wants to underground the project, then I think they should help pay

for that.

If they never really supported the project, then I think they

should have said something in the beginning and should stop wasting

taxpayers’ money. Not only should the city drop undergrounding, but

they should bury the project in a trash heap of wasted public funds.


Newport Beach

Newport Beach residents

wise up about tree group

I was watching the Newport Beach City Council meeting Tuesday

night and I just had to jump up and cheer when a clear-eyed woman

went to the podium and gave that phony Balboa Arbor Society

“what-for.” She wasn’t alone, either. There were others at the

meeting who had had enough of the extortion-like tactics of that

misguided group. Bravo, fellow citizens.


Newport Beach
