
Southeast should keep an open mind

Edward Demeulle

Like the story of the three blind men and their different “views” of

an elephant, life presents us with a single picture and it is up to

each of us to see the picture from our own point of view. My point of

view regarding the Southeast Redevelopment area is a bit more

optimistic than previous writers.

I, too, do not wish to see more heavy industrial uses in the area

as we already have more than our share. One could speculate that as

the first new construction proposed Poseidon Desalination project is

a sign of what’s to come. I’m not so sure, as Poseidon was proposed

prior to the redevelopment area. I am willing to wait, participate

and find out because the alternative doesn’t look all that productive

to me. As I understand it, the “design for development” step lays out

the kinds of development that will be encouraged in the area. I look

forward to participating in that process.

I recently attended a Southeast Area Committee meeting that

discussed priorities for capital projects (like street widening and

sidewalks.) I found the city people to be earnest and forthright.

During the conversation, I heard the imperative that city general

fund money relieved from redevelopment funds remain utilized in the

Southeast, which was a major concern of the neighborhood association.

I take that to mean there is sensitivity to the issue and so I am

more confident that the money will stay in the area and that other

concerns will be considered.

While the attempt to ensure that this area wouldn’t get merged

with others did fail, it was because legally it was not possible for

one council to bind the hands of the next. This makes sense to me,

even if I don’t like the result. The process to establish the

redevelopment area comes far before the actual plans, so at this time

I see no grand plan to stick heavy industry down our throat. We will

have to wait and see until that plan is actually created. Until then,

I believe that a positive but watchful attitude is most productive.

* EDWARD DEMEULLE is a Huntington Beach resident. To contribute to

“Sounding Off” e-mail us at [email protected] or fax us at (714)

