
Gallery celebrates 40 years

Suzie Harrison

With several art galleries closing over the last few months and

business being down, the 12 artists that make up the co-op at Quorum

Art Gallery felt especially thankful celebrating their 40th

anniversary May 1.

Quorum was the first cooperative gallery in the city.

“This is our third location in Laguna Beach,” Schauer said. “We’ve

been at this location for many years.”

Wally Schauer has been with the gallery since 1970. About half of

the artists have been there for a long period of time, though with

the economy as it is, there have been more changes the last couple of


“People tend to stay put at Quorum,” Schauer. “Because it is a

cooperative we make it. It’s a very difficult market with more change

recently because of that..”

She’s noticed subtle changes in the art world since 1970.

“I think the type of things painted has changed over the years,”

Schauer said. “When I joined the co-op seascapes were popular, as

were large pieces. Earl Daniels who was in the area at the time was

really popular.”

Each artist is different, some like to travel and paint their

travels she explained.

“It’s good to visit a gallery with an open mind that appreciates

different styles and subject matter,” Schauer said.

The usual draw on First Thursday’s Art Walk is 100 people, while

the anniversary party brings in about 200, drinking wine, listening

to live music and enjoying food and art.

“We celebrated by each artist donating an original oil or

watercolor and did a drawing,” artist Sharon Evert said. “People

aren’t selling art, for us to have the turn out we had was


Each month the artists meet and decide what schedule works for

them to be in the gallery so it can remain open every day.

“We share the responsibilities and sell everyone’s artwork,” Evert

said. “Each of us has wall space that we change every other month, so

we get equal exposure.”

There’s constantly something new and interesting with guest

artists exhibiting for two months.

“We all meet and vote so it’s successful,” Evert said. “We all

work together, we’re a huge team -- it’s like a big family actually.”

Quorum Art Gallery is at 374 N. Coast Highway. For information,

call 494-4422.
