
Dodgers pitching comes through again

Cody Green and Nick Pederson combined on a one-hitter in the Costa

Mesa National Little League Dodgers’ 4-1 victory over the Costa Mesa

American Angels in recent Majors action.

Josh Ryding and Nick Oliver each had two hits while Green doubled

and made two diving stops while on the mound and one at third to lead

the defense. Matthew Telles caught a deep fly in center field for the


In Minor B action:

* Diamondbacks 14, Yankees 8

The hits kept on coming for the D-backs against the Yankees.

Daniel Shammas went 3 for 4 and stole home twice for the victors

while Brodie Pearce got two hits in four at-bats. Trevor Ramey

singled twice while Tom Fisher added a single and three stolen bases.

Robert Bates singled, stole two bases and scored three times.

Gramm Sedano was a home run short of hitting for the cycle as he

smacked a single, double and triple. Zachary Bateman stole two bases

and scored along with Matt Fewel swiping three bases and scoring a


Derek Andrews pitched 2 1/3 innings, striking out five. Robert

Bates relieved him and went 2 2/3 innings with three strikeouts.

Pearce, catching his first game, ended a Yankee rally when he

tagged a runner attempting to steal home for the third out.

In Farm play:

* The Mets’ offense came alive in their final game, against the


Chad Fackler ripped a home run over the left-center field fence

and tallied four RBIs along with Ryan West and Jake Stone. Brandon

Dieckhoff added three RBIs as did Matt Thomas. Thomas singled and on

his way to second base, distracted the Dodgers just enough to allow

three Mets to score.

Eric Pfautz was honored as the Mets’ Most Valuable Player,

collecting four RBIs, including an inside-the-park home run. He made

diving stops and strong throws from third and started a double play

by catching a pop fly before throwing to Fackler at first.

Harrison Stern stopped a ball in center field and threw it to

third for an out. Strong offense and defense was also shown by Cassie

Stevenson, Ray Barkis and Brad Wilson.

* Cody Stoddard and Adam Ward each went 5 for 5, scoring seven

runs collectively for the Giants against the Padres. The duo also

combined for eight RBIs in the final game of the regular season.

Conner Pearce went 4 for 5 and caught behind the plate for pitcher

Zack Shafer, who singled three times and scored two runs. Shortstop

Jason Rodriguez thew out several runners at first base and also

scored two runs.

Mason Cooper added three hits and scored two runs while teammate

Kohler Ponsford belted a double and two singles with two runs scored.

Stephen Snell added three hits and two runs scored along with Nick

Rubio’s single, double and run scored.

For the Padres, 10 players scored at least one run and six scored

more than once.

Gabriel Ruan went 3 for 4, including a second-inning smash that

brought in two runs. Patrick Cromwell also went 3 for 4 along with

scoring twice and tallying two RBIs.

Noah Jeyarajah added a single and double, but his defense stood

out. He made a leaping catch at first base to rob a batter of a hit

and threw out a sliding runner at third when he fielded a ball in

left field.

Brandon Long collected three hits in three at-bats, including a

triple, and had three RBIs while Brian Jolivette tripled, doubled and

scored two runs. Manolo Laguna and Cromwell each doubled and singled

for the Padres and added runs.

John Santoyo had a couple of hits and scored two runs while

teammate Max Gilbert knocked in three RBIs with a base hit. Joshua

Butler had an RBI double while Ryan Adkisson singled and came around

to score.
