
Southeast cartoon was astonishing To use a...

Southeast cartoon was astonishing

To use a word often employed by one of my fellow colleagues on the

Southeast Huntington Beach Neighborhood Assn. Executive Board, I am

astonished at Steve Bolton’s editorial cartoon in the May 8

Independent. Might he title the cartoon “Carrying Charges?” Enough



Huntington Beach

Planes are lower, thanks for the notice

I would like to thank you for your article on the low-flying

airplanes in Huntington Beach. I am in favor of having some kind of

monitoring system. Planes are flying a lot lower and more

consistently than ever before. And it is very noisy.


Huntington Beach

I agree that airplanes are flying way too low in Huntington Beach

on the approach to Long Beach airport. Most of those planes create

not only the noise pollution but also the air pollution. There is a

lot of jet fuel from those airplanes, you can tell by just looking at

the windows of your cars. It is covered by a light oil and it is all

related to jet fuel from the airplanes and they don’t think anything

about it. That is unfortunate but we are all exposed to it. It looks

like Long Beach officials don’t want you to know about existing

problems and the pilots just worry about landing, not about other



Huntington Beach

Desalination plant is a good idea for city

Heavens yes, the city should (approve a desalination plant.) We

are going to be cutting down on Colorado River consumption here in

Southern California. We should take advantage of the fact we are here

at the beach. Catalina Island, just 26 miles across the sea, has put

one in because they don’t want to get in trouble. Desalinization

plants have been around for a while. Desalinization plants have been

around and have been used successfully and it is not very great an

expense when you think what we are going to be paying a few years

from now when the Colorado River stops coming. The city should get it



Huntington Beach

Council members have a right to disagree

In regard to the Debbie Cook letters of last week: All of the

letters that were written supporting Debbie and her right to disagree

seemed to be objective and very supportive of both sides of the

issue. None were insulting or damaging to anyone personally.

However, the one letter that was written by Con Bliss was

offensive to me because he did not state an opinion but instead used

the issue to attack Cook personally, labeling her unfairly in ways

that I’m sure are unknown to Con, unless, of course, he is a good

friend of Debbie’s, which I doubt.

The last time I heard we still live in a democracy and those we

elect to represent us on the City Council still have a right to

disagree when they feel it would benefit the city as a whole.

I did not vote for council members who would keep their mouth shut

and tolerate the avarice of intolerant constituents.


Huntington Beach

I think Debbie Cook’s questions were intelligent and well-founded

and what angers me is that any time someone says something that the

other party doesn’t like, especially the religious right and

ultra-conservative group, their label is a traitor and a non-patriot.

This is not true, they are just exercising our constitutional right

to speak on their views and I think it is time that people understand

that everyone is entitled to express their own opinion. You don’t

have to agree with it but you don’t have to call the other person a

traitor or unpatriotic. If you trace that back to Germany, if the

people in Germany had objected to what was going on, perhaps nothing

would have happened. Instead, anyone who didn’t agree was considered

a traitor.


Huntington Beach
