
Signaling an end to Irvine Avenue danger

The primary objective regarding safety improvements for the dangerous

S-curve area of Irvine Avenue must be “safety first,” with a minimum

delay in the movement of traffic. The ideal but unrealistic solution

would be to have all vehicles proceed at the posted speed limit in

that hazardous area.

Initially, a more practical and economical way to correct the

problem would be to have a three-way stop at Irvine Avenue and 23rd


I suggest a better plan would be to install traffic signals at

Irvine Avenue and 23rd Street. During rush-hour periods, in order to

expedite traffic and avoid congestion, the signals could be phased to

display flashing yellow “caution” for Irvine Avenue and flashing red

“stop” for 23rd Street. During off-peak hours, especially early

morning and nights, the light facing all three directions could be

pashed to flash red “stop.” This would be a very effective method of

traffic control during hours when the most serious accidents have


This method would also address another important safety problem

for traffic entering Irvine Avenue from 23rd Street, a very dangerous

maneuver due to the speed of cross traffic and the limited view of

oncoming Irvine Avenue vehicles.


Balboa Island

* EDITOR’S NOTE: John P. Owens is retired from the Los Angeles

Sheriff’s Department
