
The Orange County Water District has named...

The Orange County Water District has named Huntington Beach resident

Jason Burton employee of the month for September.

Burton is a chemist in OCWD’s state-certified water quality

laboratory. He has worked for OCWD since 2000. Burton was recognized

by his peers as employee of the month for his creative and dedicated

work with the maintenance of water quality laboratory analytical


His efforts have saved OCWD money, valuable staff time and have

improved overall lab performance. Burton has also initiated an

in-house preventive maintenance program for one of the laboratory’s

highly used and critical pieces of analytical equipment.

Using his mechanical knowledge and understanding of the

equipment’s design, Burton was not only able to fix this equipment

but help reduce the number of problems the lab had with the unit.

He has also developed a more effective way to track preventive

maintenance procedures through an instrument maintenance bulletin

board. This display board allows each laboratory staff member to

track maintenance records for each analytical system, allowing better

coordination of planned service visits and keeping systems

operational and optimized.

Burton’s team spirit and adaptability have gone a long way to

enhance the overall performance of OCWD’s laboratory.

The Employee of the Month and Year Program was established to

recognize outstanding OCWD employees and to acknowledge their

contributions to OCWD. The OCWD Board hopes to encourage quality

work, continuous improvement, teamwork, efficiency, customer service,

and a high level of dedication. The program recognizes that OCWD

employees are the source of OCWD’s strength, reputation and


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