
‘Second spring’ is pretty good time to plant

Steve Kawaratani

“People get a bad impression of weather by continually trying to ...

predict what it will do next.”


“Anemone, your gorgeous colors seem to beckon me ... “


Autumn officially began on Tuesday -- although I celebrated the

end of summer with the closing of the festivals and the reopening of

our schools earlier this month. Catharine and I will gladly mark the

end of a summer that began coolly and then morphed into hot and

overcast by the time it was supposed to end. I expectantly welcome

the season that is considered the “second spring.”

One of fall’s pleasures is watching nurseries fill their shelves

with bulbs. Many plant shops have already set out displays of paper

white narcissus, and it’s not too early to purchase others,

particularly the anemone.

Anemone x fulgens is the most popular of the genera, and the

origin of most of our present day hybrids. Anemone tubers grown in

California have a flattish top and a cone-shaped bottom, while tubers

from Europe look more like dried raisins. Commonly called

poppy-flower anemone or peony flowering anemone, these bulbs are

available as single and double flowers. Size matters -- larger bulbs

will produce larger flowers.

Grown in Santa Maria, Tecolote anemones have the reputation of

being one of the finest strains in the world. The best time to plant

in Laguna is from September through January. Plant the tubers 6 to 8

inches apart and covered with 1/2 to 1 inch of soil. The tubers are

planted with the fingers or point down. Unlike the European strains,

the tubers should not be soaked prior to planting. After planting,

the soil should be thoroughly saturated, so it will contain enough

moisture to sprout the tubers. Water sparingly until sprouts show,

then watering can be increased.

All anemones enjoy rich, loamy soil and partial shade at midday to

keep them growing vigorously. Plants will begin flowering early and

display a continuous succession of bloom for many weeks. Anemones

should be fertilized with bulb food every three weeks, after the

first true leaves appear, and the soil kept evenly moist.

If desired, the tubers can be taken up, well dried and kept in

storage for replanting in September. Aphids and leaf miners, as well

as rust sometimes attack anemones. Rather than spraying pesticides,

it is wiser to remove infested plants.

Although it’s never wise to try to predict the weather, I believe

that the upcoming weeks will be a great time to prepare your garden

not only for yourself, but also for the upcoming holidays. Our reward

will be opulence of bloom, richness of color, and a welcomed escape

from the heat of the almost forgotten summer. See you next time.

* STEVE KAWARATANI is the owner of Landscapes by Laguna Nursery,

1540 S. Coast Highway in Laguna Beach. He is married to local artist,

Catharine Cooper, and has three cats. He can be reached at (949)

497-2438 or e-mail to [email protected].
