
Port, bay streets target of burglaries

Deepa Bharath

Police are warning residents in the city’s “port and bay streets”

about burglars who have hit several homes in the area, stealing items

worth tens of thousands of dollars.

The first of this string of burglaries occurred on Oct. 25 in the

2300 block of Port Carlisle Place, said Newport Beach Police Sgt.

Steve Shulman. Incidents were reported as recently as Thursday.

Several homes in the area -- including those on Drake’s Bay, Morro

Bay, Port Chelsea Place and Port Aberdeene Place -- were hit, he


“We don’t know for sure yet if the same people are responsible for

all these incidents,” he said. “There does seem to be some similarity

in the way they entered the homes.”

Most of the victims were either remodeling their homes or had just

completed construction work, Shulman said.

“[The burglars] either pried open a door to make entry or broke a

glass window or door or got in through an unlocked door,” he said.

They mostly took either cash or expensive jewelry, Shulman said.

Police, in the next few days, will be putting out alerts in the

community giving residents tips on how to protect their property and

what to do if they see anything suspicious, he said.

Detectives are investigating the incidents and have a few leads,

but haven’t made any arrests, Shulman said.

Residents, meanwhile, must take precautions such as locking doors

and windows and using burglar alarms if they have them, he said.

“They should leave lights on during the evening hours,” Shulman

said. “Residents planning to have work done in their homes should

check out contractors before they hire them. And if you give your

keys out to workers, make sure you get the locks changed afterward.”

Bob Rovzar, a 10-year resident on Port Chelsea Place, said he had

heard about the recent burglaries, but wasn’t aware that it was a

string of burglaries.

Rovzar said one of his neighbors is a victim, but that people on

his street are not panicking.

“It’s an unbelievably great neighborhood,” he said. “Unfortunately

we’re having a string of problems. We have to stay vigilant as a

community, look out for each other and make sure we put an end to


Robert Thomas, who has lived on Port Carlisle Place for about 30

years, said he is “surprised” to hear about the burglaries.

“In all the time I’ve lived here, I’ve heard about incidents here

and there, but never something so serious that police have to issue

alerts,” he said.

The police department will also conduct home security inspections

on request, he said. Those interested are asked to call (949)

644-3669. Anyone with information about the reported incidents are

asked to call (800) 550-6273.

* DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be

reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath@latimes. com.
