
What’s the most important issue facing the...

What’s the most important issue facing the city?

The financial well-being of the city. We need to examine ways to

better “market” the city, increase revenues and continue to look for

ways to cut the “fat.”

What do you think of the city’s joint-use agreement with the

schools for use of playing fields?

I believe it is fundamentally sound. There is some need of

improvement and change. That is why I have started dialogue between

the city and the school board.

What would be the most effective way to improve the Westside?

Continue to look at recommendations from the Westside

Revitalization Oversight Committee. There is a dominant need to

continue the improvements on the 19th Street corridor. Further

promotion of homeowners’ self-motivated improvements needs to take


Are city leaders doing a good job handling the budget and

pressures on it from the state?

I believe we are. Allan Roeder and his staff have done an

excellent job of mitigating cuts from the state.
