
Give seniors part of ‘everyone’s’ park

I read with interest the article last week on the proposed senior center in Central Park. The article states “the undeveloped site has open turf, a family picnic area, parking lot, restrooms and a tot lot.” The only truth in this sentence is that it is undeveloped and has a parking lot (temporary) for the Shipley Nature Center. The truth is that area has been vacant and weed-filled for years.

As 40-year residents of Huntington Beach, we voted for the park, and our taxes helped pay for the park. It is a wonderful place, with the library, facilities for sports, horseback riding, fishing, picnicking, concerts, day camps, adventure playground and youth camping.

Central Park consists of 350 acres. The senior center facility would only take five acres. It would be an ideal site, centrally located, away from homes, accessible by bus and in a beautiful location. The remaining nine undeveloped acres could still be developed into the family picnic area, tot lot, etc. The size of the center is based on the growing senior population up to the year 2020.


How many acres are used for the equestrian center? Looking at the official Central Park map found on the city’s website, I’m guessing that, including the undeveloped areas of the park, horseback riders have access to approximately 50 acres of the park. How many Huntington Beach residents are members of the elite group that can afford to board and ride horses in the park that supposedly belongs to “everyone”?

Many of the young families protesting the senior center like the 14 acres of undeveloped land just as it is ? weeds (excuse me, “wildflowers”) and rutted trails that children use for mountain biking. If one of those children gets hurt riding those trails, don’t you think they will sue the city for having an attractive nuisance? The children like the squirrels in that area. Well, squirrels are all over the park, not just there.

The studies have indicated that this location is the best site for the senior center. Let’s be fair about it and give the seniors a very small piece of the park for their activities. Their taxes paid for it, and they deserve it.
