
Good to have a voice

I’m happy to tell you that the Environmental Committee does have a voice.

Two nights ago, my phone rang early in the evening and I was shocked when I learned that the caller was none other than Assistant City Manager John Pietig.

John had read my column and wanted to clarify that the city did intend on replacing both the open seat on the committee and also the position left open by Craig Justice, who served as our city liaison until he took another job.

Craig did a great job for us and should be congratulated on his new job, although Laguna Beach will surely miss his services.


As it stands right now, it most likely will take two to three months before the city liaison opening will be filled, as the city will have to find a replacement for Craig first.

Once that is done, this person will be assigned to the Environmental Committee as our city liaison.

In the meantime, David Shissler, director of water quality, will fill that role.

Meanwhile, last night (Tuesday), the City Council requested an agenda item for consideration in June or July to discuss the filling of the legendary Arnold Hano’s vacancy.

Although I understand that there is a protocol for hiring ? and also filling Arnold’s vacancy ? this needs to be a high priority for the council and should get done as soon as possible.

Arnold was on just about every subcommittee we have and there’s a lot of work to get done.

