
Casting call for Laguna pageant

The Pageant of the Masters is looking for people who can stand still all summer — for free.

The 75-year-old Pageant is looking for men, women and children to volunteer as cast members in its next show, “Young at Heart.”

People of all sizes and ages are needed to be cast members in the tableaux vivants (living pictures) staged nightly during the summer, from July 7 through Aug. 31 at the Irvine Bowl on Laguna Canyon Road.


No theater experience is necessary. The only requirement is the ability to stand still and have fun.

The casting call will be held at the following times: Saturday, from 7 to 9 p.m.; Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m.; and Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m.

The casting takes place backstage at the Irvine Bowl. Call (949) 494-3663 for additional information.

During the casting call, prospective volunteers are measured and photographed; they may also enjoy refreshments and meet the behind-the-scenes Pageant staff.

In addition to needing volunteers to pose in the Pageant, volunteers are needed for positions in the wardrobe, make-up, and headdress departments, as well as cast area coordinators and refreshment servers, among other positions.

“They are the most impor- tant aspect of the Pageant - without them there wouldn’t even be a show,” says Pageant director Diane Challis Davy.

It is common to have several generations of the same family volunteering for different aspects of the show.

By volunteering for the Pageant, students can earn credit toward community service requirements.

Pageant tickets are now on sale, and a gala benefit performance will be held on August 25. For tickets, call (800) 487-3378. The Festival of Arts is a nonprofit organization and proceeds go to support the arts.
