

Why does it take Allan Beek’s having to sue — because a certain party had the time and money to pay petition gatherers $4 per signature — to put a complex city-planning issue to a vote by the general public?

Gathering 8,799 signatures out of a population of 82,000 sets up a contest in February of who is willing to spend the most amount of money and not necessarily what is best.

The average voter will not have the time or the inclination to evaluate truly all the impact studies associated with building city hall on the parcel of land above the library. That is what city government is for.


In my view, what makes Newport Beach so exceptional is the impressive Pacific Ocean, especially the unparalleled vista through the open space corridor at MacArthur and San Joaquin. We don’t need another concrete building obliterating the dazzling display of Southern California sunshine dancing on our blue waters with Catalina as the dramatic backdrop.

I can’t help but wonder who is profiting by such a hard push to move City Hall off the peninsula.


Newport Beach

Column points out councilwoman’s flaws

Barbara Venezia’s allegations regarding Leslie Daigle (“New mayor needs leadership skills,” Nov. 29) are certainly cause for Daigle to resign quietly and quickly from the Newport Beach City Council.

The city is facing a plethora of weighty and far-reaching decisions in the near term and there is simply no place on the council for a seriously conflicted and compromised member.

Thanks to Venezia for making these issues public, let’s hope fervently that the council develops some spine before selecting new leadership next month.


Newport Beach

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