
Assemblyman talks of possibilities for energy

Assemblyman Chuck DeVore will speak on state energy policy today at the home of supporters in Irvine.

The talk, “An Inconvenient Answer to an Inconvenient Truth ... Energy Policy in California,” touches on one of DeVore’s pet issues — nuclear power.

DeVore recently reintroduced a bill this legislative session to allow nuclear power in California. An earlier version of the bill died in legislative committee in 2007.


DeVore dropped plans for a ballot initiative on the issue in November after surveys showed a lack of support for nuclear power in the state.

The talk begins at 6 p.m. at the residence of Murray and Lori Rudin and costs $250 per person.

Call J. Allen Pitkin for more information at (949) 232-8882 or e-mail [email protected].

— Brianna Bailey
