
MAILBAG: Child safety is paramount at Bluebird Park

Some 35 plus years ago I was with my son in Bluebird Park, and he was fascinated by the leaky water fountain right by the entrance to the park. At the time, mud was one of his interests. I was very concerned that he could dart out into Bluebird Canyon Drive at any time. The park at this time did not have a fence that was childproof.

I called the city about the lack of a secure child-proof fence around the park and was told that such a fence would violate the artistic integrity of the park and that I was responsible for watching my child. Not too long afterward, a little boy darted from the park from between two parked cars and was killed.

That is why the present chain link fence is there.

I want to thank [City Councilwoman] Toni Iseman for bringing up the paramount issue of child safety with regard to Bluebird Park. Nothing is more important.



Laguna Beach


Nyes neither ‘nice’ to nor safe for pedestrians

Hopefully, the latest Nyes Place project has helped alleviate the speeding up Nyes. (I would love to hear from affected locals either way.) It absolutely has not, however, done anything to help protect the pedestrians crossing the Nyes’ intersections. In fact, it is now more dangerous to cross than before, and we don’t have the ability to run behind a post anymore. (Yes, pedestrians were often seen scurrying behind them before).

I am a very savvy Nyes Place pedestrian who doesn’t just look both ways, but looks all ways again and again, even when the pedestrian crossing “little man” sign is green. In the past two weeks, however, I was nearly “taken out” myself by cars coming from both north and south Coast Highway directions at the same time. I absolutely had to stop dead, frozen mid-crossing to avoid the rushing cars.

It is still extremely dangerous, and with summer here and beachgoers aplenty, something more needs to be done now.

Street reflectors are a relatively easy solution, from what I’m told, and they would certainly make a big difference.

At the very least, each of the Nyes crosswalks should have reflectors, and if legally possible, so should the curb of the sharp Nyes curve. That area is not well lit to begin with (only one street light for the whole area), and I’ve seen many northbound Coast Highway drivers over or undershoot that curb. They are also so concerned with making that veer to the right, they have no concept pedestrians are even there. Adding a “pedestrian crossing” or “yield” sign at the corner just past Tabu could literally be a lifesaver.

Last, and certainly not least, how do we go about petitioning Caltrans for a “left turn” light at Nyes, for those southbound wanting to turn onto Nyes Place?

Traffic most of the day has gotten so consistently busy that left turners are having to “floor it” to make their turn any time at all during the green light, and they turn directly into Nyes-crossing pedestrians (who also have a green light at that time).

Believe me, it is frightening for all concerned. Any immediate solutions and/or feedback from the city would be most welcome.

Safety needs to remain a high priority.


Laguna Beach

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