
Laguna Beach Historical Society Announces New Web Site

The Laguna Beach Historical Society has a new web site to view historic photographs at As people loan the Society historic photographs, they will scan in and post on for people all around the world to view and enjoy. The Society has more photographs to add to the site, but currently have uploaded 363 photos.

Viewers are invited to leave comments to help the Society better identify or date the photographs. At the web site, prints can also be purchase; for example a 5” by 7” glossy for $0.79 and an 8” by 10” glossy for $6.97 plus tax and shipping.

Send questions on photographs or about Laguna Beach history to [email protected].


At a recent Laguna Beach Historical Society board meeting, the Board elected its officers: Vern Spitaleri as President, and Kimberly Stuart as Vice-President. Nelda Stone was reelected Secretary, and Gene Felder as Treasurer.

The next Laguna Beach Historical Society program will be Monday, September 21, 2009 “A Retrospective of Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts in Laguna Beach - In Conjunction with the 100th Anniversary of Boy Scouts of America” by Pam Jensen, Committee Chair for Laguna Beach Cub Scout Pack 35. Pack 35 is interested in receiving any photos, articles or artifacts about scouting in Laguna Beach from local residents. To share any information, email [email protected].

Step back into 1920s Laguna by visiting the Laguna Beach Historical Society Murphy-Smith Bungalow, located at 278 Ocean Avenue, which is opened to the public at no-charge every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Volunteers are needed to greet visitors to the Murphy-Smith Bungalow and should call 939-7257.

Those interested in supporting and joining the Laguna Beach Historical Society should send $15 per individual, $25 per household or $50 per business/organization to 278 Ocean Avenue, Laguna Beach CA 92651. The Laguna Beach Historical Society is a section 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID #33-0519882.

More information on the Society and Laguna history is at and historical photographs at
