
Air Pacific will rebrand itself next month as Fiji Airways

Bula! On June 19, Air Pacific, the national airline of Fiji, will become Fiji Airways, its name from 1951 to 1970, when it became Air Pacific.

Dave Pflieger, chief executive, urged the board of directors to rebrand the airline. “When you hear Air New Zealand, Japan Airlines or American Airlines, you know where it flies,” he said. “We need to be a flying billboard for Fiji and have it set up so people feel like their vacation to Fiji begins on the plane.”

(You can see a bit of the airline’s history in a YouTube video linked here.)


The airline bought three Airbus 330s, the first time in its 61 years it has purchased rather than leased aircraft.

The first new A330 flies to LAX on July 1. Thereafter flights will increase from four to six a week using a mix of its Boeing 747-400 and A330s. After the A330s take over the route in November, daily flights will be offered from LAX, with eight flights a week offered in peak season.

“We’re not only giving the country of Fiji its airline back, but this will be the first time we’re having a Fijian-themed airplane inside and out, including seat patterns and mood lighting,” said Pflieger, who said seats would have power jacks and feature video on demand.


Info: Fiji Airways (aka Air Pacific until June 18), (800) 227-4446.
