
A Guide to the Best of Southern California : Out and About : Site Reading

Answer: “50 Maps of L.A.”

Question: Where can you find Alex Trebek’s guide to Los Angeles galleries?

It’s not the Thomas Guide, but it is just as useful. And it’s got an attitude, with contributors such as Jackie Collins, Zsa Zsa Gabor and Elvira. “50 Maps of L.A.” (H.M. Gousha, $9.95) is a hip-pocket--and tres hip--booklet that should go wherever you go. What beaches attract the best-looking girls? Turn to Map 17. Need a place to pump yourself up? Map 20 lists 17 gyms. Want to know who’s having a power breakfast at Patrick’s Roadhouse, a power lunch at Le Dome or a power dinner at Mortons? Maps 32, 33 and 34, respectively, let you in on who--from movie moguls to stars to agents--sits where, and why. Besides glamorous shopping sites, “50 Maps” pinpoints hiking trails, magazine stands, plastic surgeons, ethnic markets and nightlife.

“This is not your Rand McNally type of publication,” says Barry M. Landau, the book’s publicist. “This is a comfort map book, maps put together by familiar friends about familiar places.”

“50 Maps of L.A.” is available at major bookstores. Information: (212) 399-0404.
