
Planned Parenthood’s Vested Interests

Paul Dean’s otherwise excellent profile of Faye Wattleton (“Planned Parenthood Readies Counterattack,” June 19) omitted Planned Parenthood’s vested interest in the recent abortion rulings.

Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider. No wonder they’re at the forefront not only of the abortion rights movement, but also in the battle over public funding of abortion.

Also, it’s interesting Wattleton never addresses the linchpin of the U. S. Supreme Court’s ruling: “When the government appropriates public funds to establish a program, it is entitled to define the limits of that program.”


Instead she employs the rhetoric of “gag orders.” The free speech rights of a doctor at a federally funded clinic are no more impinged upon than those of any other employee who voluntarily chooses where to work.


Los Angeles
