
Louisiana’s New Abortion Law

The Times’ editorial “Louisiana Declares a War on Women” (June 23) promotes pro-abortion myths about illegal abortion.

The editorial claims that “lots of women died from illegal abortions.” This is a pro-abortion fairy tale. The reality was, according to the Centers for Disease Control in 1972, the year before Roe vs. Wade, 39 women died because of illegal and legal abortions. One would have to look to the early 20th Century, before the introduction of penicillin, to find a substantial number of deaths. Your editorial also ignores the deaths and injuries to mothers that occur now. Abortion may be legal, but it certainly is not safe. Of course, any abortion death, whether the mother or the unborn child, is a tragedy.

The Louisiana law, while not entirely perfect, goes a great way to realize the scientific truth that a baby’s heartbeat begins 18 days after conception and that every abortion stops a beating heart. This is the truth The Times ignores.



West Covina
