
He Has the Answers to Reader’s Questions and Asks Some More

In last week’s Viewpoint, David P. Gleason asked two questions about Pete Rose. I shall be happy to answer them: (1) Who has done more for major league baseball, Pete Rose or Fay Vincent? Fay Vincent. He contributes to the game every day by enforcing the rules and maintaining the game’s integrity.

(2) Why is Pete so chastised while others are ignored? I’m sorry to be rude and answer a question with a question, but what others? Who else:

--Willingly violated the rules of the game he claimed to love?

--Illegally gambled on baseball games, including those of the team he was managing?

--Filed a fraudulent lawsuit against the commissioner when he found the commissioner had a solid case against him?


--Repeatedly denied any wrongdoing, then pleaded guilty to two counts of filing false income tax returns and spent five months in prison?

If Gleason knows of others as guilty as Rose, has he notified the commissioner’s office?


Los Angeles
