
All Proposed CSU Sites Are Viable

As a Ventura County organization that has monitored and spoken to issues raised over the siting of an expanded Learning Center/four-year university, the League of Women Voters has vigorously supported the need for a California State University campus within our county. We were represented on the advisory committee for alternative sites for the university and wish to underscore the group’s sentiments at the June 24 meeting.

The draft environmental impact report is now available for public review. All sites have pluses and minuses, but any one of the sites has a potential for a viable campus. We were reminded that the trustees want a cooperative community with which to deal and therefore if we preferred a site we should refrain from speaking negatively on the others.

Letters in support of a university in Ventura County will be noted by the trustees. The Learning Center will give those interested the needed information.


ROMA ARMBRUST, President, League of Women Voters of Ventura County
