
New Identity: Kansas Gov. Joan Finney has...

Compiled by ALICE SHORT

New Identity: Kansas Gov. Joan Finney has a new moniker: “Wah na ko qua,” or White Morning Star Woman. Steve Cadue of the Kickapoo Nation said Finney was selected because she was the first governor to recognize Indian sovereignty by proclamation. “The United States made treaties with the Kickapoo Nation over a century ago,” Finney said. “I will try to live up to them and to truly be a morning star for all of the Kickapoo people.”

* Hospitalized: Ricky Ray, the oldest of three hemophiliac brothers infected with the AIDS virus, is in a hospital with pneumonia. The 14-year-old, who is engaged to be married, was hospitalized a week ago in his hometown of Sarasota, Fla. He was transferred last week to All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, where he remained in fair condition Monday, a hospital official said.

* No Small Affair: A Canadian public relations consultant won undisclosed damages and an apology from two British newspapers Monday over allegations that she had a secret affair with Princess Anne’s husband, Mark Phillips. Stories identified Katherine Birks as “Mark’s secret blonde” after they worked together when he visited Canada to train young horse riders. Lawyers for the newspapers said they now accept that the relationship had been purely professional and apologized to Birks.


* War-Game Wedding: For Mick Sears and Linda Huff, pearls and lace and gowns and tuxedos were out. They took their wedding vows in black T-shirts and fatigues. Sunday’s ceremony was performed in woods north of Biloxi, Miss., that are home to SWAT Inc., a war-games company whose clients hunt with guns that fire paint bullets. The couple met about a year ago in the woods of DeSoto National Forest while they were skeet shooting and mud wrestling. The bride said she didn’t like her black fatigues, and doesn’t care for paint ball, but she does love her husband.
