
CLIPBOARD : Notifiable Diseases Report

Each week the Orange County Public Health Department reports to the state the incidence of various notifiable diseases in the county. The following table details a selection of these afflictions for November, the most recent month for which information is available:


1991 1990 Year to Date November Year to Year to % Change Disease 1991 Date Date 1990-91 Acquired immune deficiency 109 491 428 +14.7 syndrome (AIDS) Campylobacter 19 305 312 -2.2 Chlamydial infections 226 3,120 2,626 +18.8 Lapse of consciousness 95 1,406 1,692 -16.9 (non-alcohol related) Giardiasis 42 466 601 -22.5 Gonococcal infection 92 925 1,233 -24.9 Hepatitis A 14 268 316 -15.2 Hepatitis B 78 597 533 +12.0 Meningitis 16 244 273 -10.6 Non-specific urethritis 139 2,063 2,493 -17.2 Salmonellosis 42 292 346 -15.6 Shigellosis 27 262 328 -20.1 Syphilis 27 372 456 -18.4 Tuberculosis 36 274 245 +11.8 TOTAL NOTIFIABLE DISEASES* 1,049 13,989 16,542 -15.4

* Includes diseases other than those shown above

Source: Orange County Public Health Department, “Reported Cases of Specified Notifiable Diseases,” for November, 1991.
