
Abortion Issue

In her December 29 letter to The Times, Ashley Phillips says that Mr. Davis shouldn’t be guilty of killing the 23-week-old fetus that was living inside of another woman’s body.

While I don’t know the specifics of this case, I feel that, if someone was to kill the fetus, although unborn, inside of the mother, then the murderer would have to be held accountable as committing murder.

Ms. Philips writes that “By definition, a 23-week fetus is not an unborn or pre-born child. . . .” What is the fetus then? Isn’t the fetus a living human being? Yes. What then makes him or her different from any other living being? Nothing. Oh sure, he or she may be just starting out life, but the key is that the individual is alive--breathing, eating, living.


Somehow the abortion issue has been turned into a “rights issue,” which is ludicrous and is only looking at the issue halfway. The issue was, is and will always be based on one thing. Life. The life of the living unborn.

