
Ulster Blast Kills 7; IRA Blamed

<i> Reuters</i>

Seven workers were killed and seven were injured Friday when a bomb ripped through a builder’s minibus on a remote Northern Ireland country road, police said.

Police Chief Hugh Annesley said it bore all the hallmarks of an Irish Republican Army attack.

“This is a scene of carnage. It is evil. It is wanton,” he said after visiting the site of the province’s bloodiest attack since the IRA killed eight soldiers with a roadside bomb in 1988.


The workmen were packed into a building firm’s minibus when they were blown off the road in a huge blast on the Omagh-to-Cookstown road in County Tyrone. It was heard up to 10 miles away. Security chiefs said they were amazed anyone survived.

Police confirmed that the construction workers were on their way home after doing contract work on a British army base.
