
OXNARD : Council Will Take Field Study Trip

The Oxnard City Council plans to hit the road again today, touring Los Angeles and Orange counties by bus to study residential building designs.

Because of the field trip, the council’s regularly scheduled study session has been canceled.

The trip outside the county will be the fourth that the council has taken together in a year, including a visit to Las Vegas to lobby shopping center developers and one to Solvang for a weekend retreat.


Earlier this month, the council visited Palmdale, Victorville and Riverside to survey shopping centers, especially branches of Wal-Mart, a discount department store that the city is trying to woo.

Mayor Nao Takasugi said today’s trip was scheduled for the fourth Tuesday in the month when the council has agreed to hold study sessions.

“This is not a junket by any measure,” Takasugi said Monday.

Councilman Michael Plisky said: “I hope we accomplish more than we did the last time. Otherwise it will be another wasted trip.”


During a full day of travel, the council will visit developments in Valencia, Santa Ana, Orange, Tustin, Irvine and Commerce.
