
Overcrowded Housing

Your editorial (“Can You Squeeze Them Out?” Jan. 18) deserves response.

The “them” you referred to are primarily illegal immigrants who have entered our nation surreptitiously. They have entered and transplanted their Third World way of life here, which includes high-density living. This has serious health ramifications. It crowds our schools, judicial system and prisons.

Many immigrants crowd themselves into apartments and then send their meager salaries back home to Mexico and Honduras. This is another example of illegal immigrants thumbing their noses at our nation’s laws. They impose large costs on the taxpayers, pay few taxes and then violate our laws with impunity.

Your editorial said that this issue “has pitted citizen against citizen.” Not so; it is between citizens who respect the law and illegal aliens who wish to live illegally in the U.S. as they lived in the Third World.



