
VENTURA : Woman Crushed Between 2 Rigs Dies

A South Carolina woman was crushed between two tractor-trailer rigs at a Ventura lemon-packing plant late Thursday and died about two hours later, police said.

Barbara Bennett, 40, of Rock Hill, S.C., died of multiple internal injuries at Ventura County Medical Center at 11:37 p.m., deputy coroner Craig Stevens said Friday.

Three residents of Aurora, Mo., including a woman who drove one of the trucks, fled but were later arrested on suspicion of felony hit-and-run and vehicular manslaughter, police said.


Charlotte Prendergrass, 47, her husband Chester, 40, and Rodney Campbell were released on bail from the Ventura County Jail.

The incident occurred at 9:15 p.m. at Ventura Pacific Co., 6205 Ventura Blvd., officials said. Charlotte Prendergrass, the driver of one of the rigs, had just pulled away from the loading dock and stopped to close the door of her trailer, Sgt. George Morris of the Ventura Police Department said.

Bennett, who was standing at the rear of the second rig, was preparing to open her trailer door for loading when Prendergrass’ truck suddenly rolled forward and pinned the victim between the two rigs, Morris said.


Prendergrass apparently did not set the brakes on her rig, Morris said.
