
Hussein’s Hold on Iraq

In response to “Even Now, Hussein Serves a U.S. Purpose,” by John Arquilla, Column Right, March 22:

The Bush Administration made a pact with the devil by courting Saddam and using every conceivable, devious method to prop up one of this century’s most dangerous and odious dictators. Arquilla attempts to exonerate Bush of these outrageous manipulations of government agencies, but the evidence is overwhelmingly damning, as revealed by the expose that has been ongoing in The Times. Bush reaped a whirlwind and then expected the world community to bail him out of his folly.

Apparently, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” was the rationale in vogue to counterbalance Iran. Now what happens as Iran gathers increasing power? Bush is trapped. So much for the principles he lectured us about before the Gulf War.


Is it possible the domestic scene (recession) has been allowed to deteriorate in hopes that the voters won’t notice the Administration’s foreign policy disasters?

