
PORT HUENEME : Information Sought on School Break-Ins

The Port Hueneme Crime Stoppers Program is seeking information on a rash of late-night burglaries that has hit Sunkist Elementary School since January.

Burglars have taken an Apple computer, two Mitsubishi televisions and a Mitsubishi VCR during the heists, all of which took place sometime after midnight, police said.

The most frequent target of burglars at the school has been a group of portable classrooms located at the southwest corner of the campus.


Police are asking residents who live near the school to alert the Port Hueneme Police Department at 986-6530 if they observe any suspicious activities near the campus. Anyone with information about these burglaries should call Crime Stoppers at 986-TALK.

Callers may remain anonymous, and information leading to an arrest or a filed complaint will net the caller up to a $1,000 reward.
