
Clinton Motto Is Ruled an Error

Bill Clinton’s choice of a campaign motto bordered on the ominous Wednesday when he admitted that “you gotta believe” came not from the 1969 New York Mets, but from the 1973 Mets.

In a joking reference to contentions that he does not tell the whole truth, the Democratic presidential candidate said: “In my renewed effort to be totally open and candid, I made a material misrepresentation of facts yesterday which I regret very much. ‘You gotta believe’ was a slogan of the 1973 Mets, not the 1969 Mets.”

Clinton cited the slogan after his primary victories Tuesday night, urging his supporters to adopt it.


But he could regret the analogy. The ’69 Mets surprised virtually everyone by winning the World Series. But the ’73 Mets--who actually used the slogan--won the National League pennant but lost the Series to the Oakland A’s.
