
Bruce Springsteen + Robert Hilburn = !%$?!

Well, Springsteen’s latest offerings are on the streets, and already Hilburn and the rest of the rock music Establishment are anointing the Boss as the all-being of modern music.

One knew the majority of rock music critics would fawn over these latest releases by Springsteen.

Admittedly, he does have a certain skill at basic songwriting and can drive a tune to a foot-stomping conclusion with little more then a bar-band snarl and a prayer. But to hold him up as a musical icon because he’s come to terms with himself at age 42 (or however old he is) is ludicrous. The man has been a multimillionaire for 10 years or more. He got married, fooled around with a girl in the office and got divorced. For these “unique” experiences, he’ll receive millions more.


Springsteen is a competent songwriter who somehow snared the souls of America’s music critics years ago by posing as an average Joe speaking for the working class. And don’t think he doesn’t know that.


Annapolis, Md.
