
If You’re Bugged by Symptoms

Sufferers of allergy symptoms--watery eyes, runny nose, wheezing--should be tested by an allergist to identify which allergens are causing their problems.

* If the allergies are caused by cockroaches, exterminating the home may be cheaper than medical treatment.

* Cockroaches breed in dark, warm, damp places like the walls of bathrooms, kitchens or basements near central heating systems. Licensed exterminators may be needed to fumigate inaccessible places. Neighbors in row houses and other multifamily buildings must cooperate to kill all the roaches in the building.


* Thorough, regular cleaning to remove residual food particles, and the control of stored and waste food (including pet food), will deprive roaches of their food sources. Here, too, the cooperation of neighbors is vital.

* Homes with cats have fewer cockroaches, but before you get one, be sure you’re not allergic to cats.
