
Jarvik Misses Mark for Accuracy on CPB

Jarvik’s repeated attempts to characterize Independent Television Service as “scandal-ridden” sounds more like tabloid television than think-tank scholarship. He presumes knowledge of the political tilt of a film that he has not seen--a film that hasn’t even been completed. He credits us with funding a project we’ve never heard of. The “press reports” of Reps. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) forcing ITVS on a reluctant CPB are lifted from a Wall Street Journal editorial that contains (coincidentally?) the same factual errors that Jarvik repeatedly makes.

ITVS, which received its first production funds last summer (not four years ago, as Jarvik claims), is a lean and accessible organization. Our financial records have been praised by CPB and independent auditors. Three million dollars have been given to support 26 projects (independent productions tend to be considerably more cost-effective than their commercial counterparts), ranging from children’s shows to public affairs specials. Four new series aimed at underserved audiences and unexplored formats are under way. We are doing exactly what Congress mandated.

The real scandal here is Jarvik’s attempt to demonize a television system that is trying to serve the public with quality, intelligent and, from ITVS, independent programming.


Executive Director, Independent Television Service
