
Pope Will Travel to Denver for ’93 World Youth Day


Pope John Paul II announced Sunday that he will go to Denver next year for the Roman Catholic Church’s World Youth Day.

In an address to tens of thousands of people packing St. Peter’s Square on Palm Sunday, the Pope said:

“I have chosen the city of Denver, in the famous Rocky Mountains, in Colorado state, which has never been included in my previous apostolic trips.”


The other candidates for the Aug. 11-15, 1993, celebration were Milwaukee and Seattle. The Pope’s last U.S. visit was in 1987.

The Pope is likely to attend the final days of the gathering, which is expected to draw tens of thousands of young people. The papal celebration has been held every two years since 1985.

A million and a half young people attended last year’s World Youth Day in Czestochowa in the Pope’s Polish homeland. After the Mass, a delegation from Czestochowa handed a ceremonial cross to a group from Denver. The cross will be carried in pilgrimage across the United States next year.
