
Flights Out of Long Beach Airport

In reading your April 5 story “Quieter Skies, Emptier Airport,” I couldn’t help but feel that we the residents of Long Beach are being deprived of the convenience and access to the airport because of Mike Donelon and his friends. How selfish!

They knew when they purchased their homes in the vicinity of the airport what they were doing--or did they? I suggest they sell and move to a more pleasant and rural surrounding like San Luis Obispo.

The airport is very important to me, why should I drive to LAX (Los Angeles International Airport) when the local airport is only 10 minutes away? We the majority are being denied a basic service because a vocal minority and the anti-business attitude of the City Council. If it isn’t the airport, it’s Douglas Aircraft--when is it going to end? Not only are there fewer flights to choose from, the airport should be run by professionals and privately.


It would seem to me that the economic vitality of the airport and the city of Long Beach as a whole is more important than a back-yard Sunday barbecue!

Maybe it’s time Mr. Donelon directed his energy and persuasive powers to a more altruistic and important task--the resurrection and revitalization of Long Beach. Then all of us could benefit.


Long Beach
