
Coloradans Perturbed Over Influx of ‘Hollywood Types’

Your “Hot Property” column of March 8 focused on Sylvester Stallone’s purchase of acreage in the Telluride, Colo., area.

This is the continuation of one of Colorado’s great tragedies, Hollywood types purchasing and then systematically ruining a great state. Look what happened to Aspen and Vail, two lovely, quaint towns we so enjoyed. Now, we can’t even buy an ice-cream cone there.

Outsiders have taken over the towns, set up businesses catering to other outsiders (how many T-shirt shops can one town handle?) charging exorbitant prices the natives can’t afford. Forget buying real estate. The Hollywood crowd’s presence has jacked prices to the point where only their kind can afford them. But the worst part is the presence of those we all want to get away from. When will this stop?


Now that California has been ruined, these people have to pick another state to destroy and it is sad that the chosen one is my native state.


Lyons, Colo.
