
Mixing Messages in the Tyson Case

Robin Abcarian’s article was the best summary I have yet read of the Mike Tyson case. The line from a placard she quoted, “you don’t go out with strangers at 2 a.m.,” was most telling. The implication is that night is owned by men and anything that happens under cover of darkness is permissible and is their decision to make.

So would it have made a difference if Washington had gone to his room at 2 in the afternoon? No, what transpired would still “be her fault” since it could then be said that she had allowed herself to be alone in a hotel room with him. Thus men control space as well.

Being masters of time and space confers upon men almost godlike power. It is no wonder then that they, as well as much of society, are genuinely startled when this authority is called into question by a non-member of the franchise.



Los Angeles
