
Reducing Aid to the Poor

In response to “Cutbacks Push Poor to the Edge,” April 2:

The most devastating attack on the poor in decades is progressing virtually without notice. Though we have heard much about the governor’s proposal for deep cuts in aid to poor women with dependent children, that is surpassed by what is happening to homeless adults.

There is only one government aid program left that provides emergency assistance to homeless adults. The governor’s welfare initiative, plus two bills now progressing through the state Legislature (AB 2901 and SB 1556) would permit local governments to completely eliminate this program.

This program, known as General Relief, is a workfare program that provides over 77,000 people in this county with $341 per month. To be eligible for General Relief, one must be completely indigent. If these benefits are eliminated, this population will join the ranks of the homeless. The city estimates that over 177,000 people were homeless here at some point in 1991. Los Angeles can ill afford to add another 77,000 General Relief recipients to the ranks of its homeless.



Inner City Law Center

Los Angeles
