
High Life / A WEEKLY FORUM FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS : Leadership on Agenda at Katella High

Katella High School recently had its sixth annual 101 Knights Leadership Conference at the United Methodist Church in Anaheim.

The conference, organized by administrators, teachers, students and members of the community, is designed to reach those students with leadership potential.

“We hope to show the students who attend that they can make a difference, and if they believe in themselves, they can accomplish anything,” said Marci Maietta, student government adviser.


The all-day conference, which consists of group sessions and speakers, showed students that leadership plays an important role in everyday life. They also were taught about team spirit, self-motivation and working hard to obtain goals.

“Many of the students at Katella are capable of leading and accomplishing anything, they just never have been given the opportunity to learn the basics of student leadership,” teacher Nadine Miller said.
