
Wait for Medical Aid Is Disturbing

I am a Ventura County firefighter and have just been on a disturbing emergency call. It wasn’t a fire in which someone’s home and belongings were burned. It was a medical aid call involving a person having a heart attack. What made this call so disturbing (medical aid calls conservatively make up 65% of the Fire Department calls) was the fact that our engine company waited anxiously for approximately five minutes for the private ambulance provider and the much-needed paramedic on board. This is not unusual. The Fire Department waits on scene for the private ambulance provider on nearly 90% of all medical aid calls.

Believe me, it was very disturbing to be able to provide only basic first aid to this patient as friends and family looked on and questioned us as to why we weren’t doing more. Fortunately, this heart attack victim lived until the private ambulance paramedic arrived and then made it safely to the hospital to receive a doctor’s care.

Many with motives not grounded in residents’ best interests or welfare will try to persuade you that you are receiving adequate paramedic service. You are not. Don’t let the lack of Fire Department paramedics jeopardize you or your family’s health and lives.



Newbury Park
