
Bruce + Bob: Round 3

Regarding your coverage of the two new Bruce Springsteen albums (“The Boss Feels Good,” review by Robert Hilburn, April 5; Pop Eye, April 12, and Letters, April 12 and 19):

As an avid Calendar reader, I was dismayed when I read six letters on April 12 from readers trashing Springsteen and none in his defense. I am further dismayed (if not surprised) by the fact that the Def Leppard album outsold each of the two Springsteen releases.

Any music listener who has not completely gone over the edge must surely realize that in terms of both writing and performing, Springsteen is one of the most truly gifted artists of our time.


I also noted the Pop Eye item that said Springsteen no longer gets universally good reviews, as if that is to imply that he is somehow slipping.

In this age of mindless metal and Milli Vanilli, we should just rejoice that such a truly brilliant artist is still writing and performing music for us to enjoy.


Los Angeles
