


Dominic Sarabia of Downey collects autographs. While that’s not particularly remarkable, his method of getting them is. Sarabia writes to folks as disparate as Mother Teresa and Charles Manson, requesting their prescriptions for peace. Here are a few from his extensive collection:

Mother Teresa--”If we love each other as God loves each one of us there will be peace. To be able to love as He loves, we need a clean heart--a heart free of all that is not love. “

Charles Manson--”Relax. Be now. You are the world as each is the world. Peace is within you. Come to one world for peace in life. As you go to death and find peace. The lines have been drawn in the universal mind.” (Over drawn Swastikas).


G. Gordon Liddy--”If you want peace, prepare for war.”

Mayor Tom Bradley--”My very busy schedule as mayor of the City of Los Angeles would not permit me at this time to give that question the very thoughtful and detailed answer it deserves.”

Police Chief Daryl F. Gates--”We need more people diplomacy to go with political diplomacy. When you are on a first-name basis with people throughout the world, it’s pretty hard to pull the lever that will blow them to eternity.”

The late Isaac Asimov--”I don’t have a prescription for peace I’m afraid, except that I’m pretty sure Christianity doesn’t help.”


Stephen King--”My prescription for peace? Die. There’s none to be had on this Earth. Maybe that sounds grim. I don’t mean it that way; there’s a lot of sweetness in the world, but some guy is always gonna want to punch your nose--or you’ll want to punch his.”

Robin Williams--”Dignity.”

Fred (Mister) Rogers--”I think that peace begins with a sense of inner peace, and I firmly believe that comes from knowing that we are loved by the people who mean the most to us.”
