
Malibu : School Boosts Enrollment

Malibu High School has lifted its enrollment limit to make room for 30 more ninth-graders next fall because of a strong response from the community.

Administrators had originally intended to launch the school with 90 students, with at least 35% minorities. But so many students applied that the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District Board of Education approved increasing the enrollment limit by one third, to 120 students.

The increase will allow the school to hire additional teachers and plan a more varied curriculum.


The board approved turning Malibu Park Middle School into a high school last spring. About 60% of the middle school’s eighth-graders have applied to stay on at the school for ninth grade.

An additional grade will be added each year until the school holds grades six through 12 in 1995.

Applications so far include 43 students from other middle schools in the district, 11 students from private schools and six students from other public school districts. There are a total of 124 applications, 39% of them from minority students.
